The Wow Factory - Our Work Skip to main content

Our Work

Exciting Estate Agency Re-Brand Under New Ownership

Skippers Estates

KCC Campaign targeting Gen-Z Drivers

Kent County Council

Website Revamp & Brand Positioning Video

Crazy Bear

Website Revamp & Brand Positioning Video

Avenue Tennis

Brand Development

Westerhall Rum

Launching a luxury hotel & restaurant group

Cave Hotels

Brand launch for a fast growing new starter in energy renewables

Bounce Renewables

Bringing one of the South Easts’ largest builder to life with CGI

Quinn Estates

Leading the storm with over 60 million views world-wide

Aero Legends

Brand, TV and digital marketing for leading spot the ball business

Balls Out

Feeling curious, let’s talk

If we have sparked your excitement and you’d like to see a little bit more, pop into the office or give us a call! We're a friendly bunch and we don't bite! (Well, not all of us. Looking at you, Molly).